Crown of the Twelve Stars
By Saint Joseph Calasanz
(A Prayer in honor of Our Lady of the Pious Schools)
Let us praise and thank the Most Holy Trinity, for having shown to us the Virgin Mary clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and with a mysterious crown of twelve starts under her head.
R: For ever and ever. Amen.
(In honor of God the Father)
Let us praise and bless the divine Father for having chosen her as his daughter. R: Amen. “Our Father...”
Praised be the divine Father for having predestined her to be the mother of the divine Son.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the divine Father for having preserved her from all sin in her conception.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the divine Father for having adorned her with the highest gifts in her nativity.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the divine Father for having given her Saint Joseph as a most pure spouse and companion.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary... Glory be...”
(In honor of God the Son)
Let us praise and bless the divine Son for having chosen her as his mother. R: Amen. “Our Father...”
Praised be the divine Son for having become incarnate in her womb, and for having remained there nine months.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the divine Son for having been born and for having given her milk whereby he would be nourished.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the divine Son for having been pleased in his childhood to be educated by her.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary... Glory be...”
Praised be the divine Son for having revealed to her the mysteries of the redemption of the world.
(In honor of God the Holy Spirit)
Let us praise and bless the Holy Spirit for having chosen her as his spouse. R: Amen. “Our Father...”
Praised be the Holy Spirit for having revealed, first to Mary, his name of Holy Spirit.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the Holy Spirit through whose action she was at once Virgin and Mother.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the Holy Spirit through whose power she became the living temple of the Most Holy Trinity.
R: Amen. “Hail Mary...”
Praised be the Holy Spirit by whom she was exalted in heaven above all creatures. R: Amen. “Hail Mary... Glory be...”
For the holy Church of God, for the unity of Christians and for the peace and salvation of the whole world, let us pray together:
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.
Note: “I wish this devotion to be recited, every day, by our pupils so that by this pious exercise they may obtain Our Lady’s protection in life and in death.”
-Saint Joseph Calasanz